Saturday, August 16, 2008

Because It's Expected of Me.

Yes I did go to see Star Wars: The Clone Wars with my step son yesterday.

No, my other Star Wars fan friends didn't go with me. (They politely declined my invitation.)

Yes, the theater was empty.

Yes I did enjoy it.

Yes I did laugh at the jokes that make other adults cringe, Like Sky-Guy, Artooie, and the battle bots' banter.

Yes I did hope Jar Jar was in it.

Yes I will TiVo the TV series.

Yes, I do hope that the live action series gets back to adult themed Star Wars, but this is better than a lot of crap I'm forced to watch.

Basically it was a pretty cool little space cartoon with lightsabers and spaceships, and those are the things I like. It wasn't great, better than Attack of the Clones but worse than the other 5 movies, but don't compare it to the movies, just watch and have fun. If you're not hard core about Star Wars save your money, this will air on TV for free.

1 comment:

Josh Mueslix said...

George Lucas has become Jabba the Hut.