Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Kids Say the Craziest Fuckin' Shit

My four-year old daughter was watching Emeril cook something on the Food Network while I worked on my laptop. It had been completely silent in the room for at least 5 minutes. Out of the silence came this conversation:


"Yeah Honey?"

"Can Santa see my pee-pee?"

Apparently she's reading The Onion already.



Brown Walker said...

And how did you respond?

Josh Mueslix said...

I told her that he could if he wanted to, but Santa wasn't into that sort of thing...or something like that.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty good. I would have said something like "only if your pee pee has been naughty or nice."

kenju said...

I was going to ask what you replied to her. That's a good answer!