Friday, December 26, 2008

I called it a "Sting", but I Meant "Twinge"

“In Greek ‘nostalgia’ literally means ‘the pain from an old wound.’ It’s a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone" - Don Draper


Brown Walker said...

On a related note, Easier to Leave came up on my iPod this morning.

Josh Mueslix said...

Was it the one with or without the pause?

Brown Walker said...

With. Was there a version without a pause (I assume you meant the pause right before the last chorus, right?)?

Josh Mueslix said...

Indeed I did, I am relatively certain that there was a version without a pause recorded.

Brown Walker said...

Banditos by the Refreshments just came up on my iPod. I thought you'd like to know.

Josh Mueslix said...

hmn...well, that seems fair.