Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Hate Records!

Ever since the invention of the CD there's been this little underground LP fanclub. A few weeks ago my Fiancee got a record player, and ever since then we've been listening to the same 3 records over and over again. It has made me realize how worthless the big black discs are.

- You can't pause them.
- You can't choose any track without screechy scratchy sounds.
- The sound quality is terrible. (I know what you're going to say, shut up! You are wrong.)
- Scratchy sounds after each side.
- They degrade over time.
- Not compatible with remote control.
- I can fit 10,000 songs on my iPod and take them with me anywhere I go.

It's 2008 people. Instead of spending $12 on a vintage vinyl, spend $7.99 on iTunes and enjoy your music with full, modern functionality.


Brown Walker said...

You can pause some record players - my old one has a lever that lifts the arm and holds it suspended over the record right where you left off. Also, if you lift the arm to switch songs you won't get the scratchy sound.

But I do mostly agree with you - the nostalgia for records is silly. The best part of them is the bigger version of the album art and liner notes.

Pirate Ninja said...

"If you lift the arm to switch songs you won't get the scratchy sound."

You meant to say some people, because whenever I do it it goes: SCrrreeeeaaaACHCHHHCHH!!!!

Anonymous said...

You haven't listened to Led Zeppelin correctly until you've listened to a Zeppelin LP totally stoned with the incense smoke trailing up in front of the little desktop rock waterfall in just the right light. The kick drum makes the incense go 'poof'.