Friday, November 9, 2007

Answering Your Biggest Questions About Me

Hi. Thanks for all the questions. Here are the top three:
Q: Are you still a really, really fat guy?
A: No. I am no longer fat at all. Thanks for asking.

Q: A long time ago I declined an offer from you for sex. I declined mostly because you were so fat. I'd now like to reconsider. Will you have sex with me now?
A: Probably...

Q: Why don't you provide labels for your post?
A: Mostly because I don't care if people read it or not.


Brown Walker said...

Christ, why didn't somebody tell me that Josh had a tapeworm? We could have started a pledge drive or something to raise money to have that shit cleaned out.

Pirate Ninja said...

You look like a jerk in that picture.

Josh Mueslix said...

There, I fixed it so that I don't look like so much of a jerk.

Pirate Ninja said...

Much Better!

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP! Is that you?

Josh Mueslix said...

Yes, you may come over for sex beginning at 7 CST