Sunday, August 24, 2008

Food Poisoning Made Easy!

A few weeks ago I took a package of frozen fish out of the freezer, and placed them in the microwave to thaw out, intending to cook it and eat it for that night's dinner. Later that evening me and my sweetie decided to eat out. The next day, I went to put something in the microwave, and there was the package of fish, slowly rotting away.

Well it was 6 days until trash day, so rather than let it stink up my garbage for a week, I stuck it back in the freezer with the intent of throwing it away on sunday.

Today my sweetie went to the grocery store and brought back some fish. I decided today would be good day for some fish so I took out a package of Wild Mahi Mahi and put it in the microwave.

A few hours later I went to cook it and I noticed a foul, fishy smell. I went on cooking thinking that it was just fishy and the smell might recede after time. By the time the meal was finished it was beautiful, I pan fried the fish with tomatoes and mozzerella melted over the top, and I placed it on a bed of baby spinach, with homemade Tartar sauce and potato wedges on the side.

Just then my sweetie walked in complaining of the smell, apparently the smell had wafted into the living room. I replied that the fish smells bad but hopefully it won't taste bad. I made her my guinea pig and she took a bite. She frowned. I took a taste and spat it straight out. As I was dumping the otherwise beautiful meal, sweetie said "let's not get Tilapia anymore."

"Tilapia? That was Mahi Mahi!"

"I didn't buy Mahi Mahi, I bought Tilapia!"

She looks in the freezer and pulls out a package of Tilapia. I realized my mistake, I had cooked the rotten fish. The good news is, as I type this blog, I am munching on beef nachos from Cancun! Oh and no one is sick, yet.


Brown Walker said...

Eww. My stomach got a little queasy just reading that. Of course, I spent most of the last week laid up with a combination of bronchitis, a sinus infection and migrane headaches.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad it wasn't the tilapia. I love tilapia. And in a few weeks, I might feel like eating fish again!

kenju said...

EW! I love fish, but since mr. kenju doesn't eat it, I'd never have that problem (thank heavens!)