Friday, November 16, 2007

Sting of Nostalgia

I'm not much for emotion. Most of them are just annoying to me. However, when I found this picture while going through a gigantic file marked "personal" it nearly made me cry. Couple that with the fact that my recent birthday was so bad that it replaced the one that inspired me to write a song called "Worst Birthday Yet" and all signs are officially pointing me home. I just hope that at least some of it still looks like it did when I left.


Brown Walker said...

Unfortunately, the building in which that picture was taken no longer exists. I have many similar pictures on my hard drive and they come up on my screen saver from time to time. You should definitely come back - we can create some new future-nostagia.

Pirate Ninja said...

I swear I left you a message on your work phone BEFORE I saw this post. I have witnesses.