Friday, April 3, 2009

Best Music of 2008

So I've been trying to get the big writing assignment done and the only way that I can work is to put on headphones and blast music to drown out the essential growth and development of my children. Jesus, it's every day with them...anyway, I have found a few sources for free music on the internet that usually get me through a few hours. works, but you have to keep clearing your cookies every 25 songs in order to steal from them. is a steady stream of noise but I don't think that even one of their recommendations has made me want to go out and purchase music. Finally, I found somebody's list of the 50 best albums of 2008. Mostly it just made me feel like a crotchety old man (You've got rheumatoid arthritis!)because all of the music sucks and none of it sounds like the Eels or Cake or old Weezer. Eventually I found a couple of new bands that I think I'll like. I really liked Vampire Weekend after a couple of listens . And I was really surprised at how fond of Girl Talk I was. He's basically the king of mashers and absolutely everything on the album is a sample. He's got a ton of rappers from my awkward teenage years (Look at me, I'm white and middle class in Iowa - this music really speaks to me!) and it was nostalgic and fonky at the same time. Anyway, just felt like sharing.